served from

NextGen CPT Estacional CHIRPS Guatemala V2 Models CanSIPSv2

Models CanSIPSv2 from NextGen CPT Estacional CHIRPS Guatemala V2: Forecast: Jun 2021 - Nov 2021. [Models NextGen ] .


overviewan outline showing sub-datasets of this dataset

Datasets and variables

Forecast and Error.
Predictand, Hindcast and Skill.
Forecast Skills.

Last updated: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 17:13:11 GMT

NextGen CPT Estacional CHIRPS Guatemala V2[ ]
grid: /S (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (0000 1 Jun 2021) to (0000 1 Nov 2021) by 1.0 N= 6 pts :gridM
[ S L |]MM
NextGen CPT Estacional CHIRPS Guatemala V2 Models CanSIPSv2[ ]