NextGen CPT Estacional CHIRPS Guatemala V4 Models COLA-RSMAS-CCSM4 Forecast Mu 2.5 months ArcInfo Downloads

The latitude and longitude ranges of your data are given below. If you would like to reset the longitude range, enter the new limts in the text boxes and click the Reset Longitude Limits button.

to by 0.1

Latitude goes from -4.9499998 to 39.950001 by 0.1

This dataset depends on the following independent variable (i.e, grid):

grid: /S (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (0000 1 Apr 2022) to (0000 1 Jun 2023) by 1.0 N= 15 pts :grid

so there will be 15 links below for the different files.

You may want to get a utility like wget which can download sets of files. For example (all one line)

wget -r -l2 -nd --no-parent -e robots=off -v --relative ''

single quotes are necessary in unix to protect the url from expansion; probably necessary in other cases as well
0000 1 Apr 2022
0000 1 May 2022
0000 1 Jun 2022
0000 1 Jul 2022
0000 1 Aug 2022
0000 1 Sep 2022
0000 1 Oct 2022
0000 1 Nov 2022
0000 1 Dec 2022
0000 1 Jan 2023
0000 1 Feb 2023
0000 1 Mar 2023
0000 1 Apr 2023
0000 1 May 2023
0000 1 Jun 2023